Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!!!

Once again I must apologize for not having posted anything on this blog since November and won't burden you with a number of excuses like "the dog ate my laptop"! I do keep a diary fairly consistently and my biggest excuse for being so tardy with my blog sits on every January 1st page of each year's diary: "This year I will get organized"! So--if at first you don't succeed write it into next year's diary!

Since the name of this blog is "ARTALK", I must tell you every artist struggles with distractions. In the days of Van Gogh life was much simpler and one could get on with paintings without having to check your Blackberry and your laptop, not to mention the latest Canuck game. Probably I should change the new year's message to myself to: FOCUS, FOCUS, FOCUS.

I have a special request to readers of my blog: There is a small section at the bottom of the blog for COMMENTS. Please use it for questions as well about my work or your work and for any subjects that you would like to talk about, problems that you have encountered if you are a painter, etc. It would help me deal with what direction I want to take with this blog.
Meanwhile, enjoy each day to the fullest in 2010!

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