Sunday, June 3, 2012

Our Gallery

We have been trying to downsize the Gallery and go back to having other commercial galleries display and sell my art just as we used to in the 1970's, 1980's and 1990's but to close our gallery is like trying to stop a freight train. IT IS OPEN BY APPOINTMENT, which simply means give us a call to make sure we are here. Our website is still a place to show and sell my art and eventually, as I show in a number of other galleries, that will change to simply displaying new pieces and showing what galleries handle my work.

At present I am with Gallery 23 in Nanaimo and will be adding other galleries as time goes by, however our gallery here is still a place to display my new work and many of my prints, framed and unframed. Please feel free to come and browse but give us a call first.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Finishing "Seven Up"

The top photo was taken in my studio and shows how to create some more depth into the painting by adding a kelp bed in the foreground water. Acrylics are somewhat transparent so the kelp strands had to be painted over many times to make them stand out. Also I increased the warmth of the entire scene by painting several glazes of orange over it all. The next step was placing the orca pod into an interesting design. I did this very carefully using the many sketches I had done of them. Many of these sketches had been done from videos I had taken but a few were actually done on the spot - an often frustrating experience but good practice. After I placed the whales where I thought they would be most effective I touched up highlights on everything; the boats, the shoreline, the kelp, the rocks and tree, just to give it a bit more contrast and punch. The second image is the final one and it is easy to see how much more work was done on it. The joy of working with acrylics is that they can be completely altered in their final stages if so desired. But this is also their curse. When to quit?